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Shipping & Refund Policy
If your order is wrong or damaged, we want to make things right. If this happens, please email customer service or give us a call. If you would like a refund for an order that was wrong or damaged, claims must be made within 14 days of the ship date.  After placing an order, please allow up to 3 days for your order to be processed and shipped out to you. If your order is $50+, you qualify for free shipping. The shipping time displayed at checkout includes our processing time. Currently, Contrarian Tea Co. is only shipping within the state of Ohio.
Privacy Policy
While visiting Contrarian Tea Company's website, you may find links to other websites on the Internet that are owned and operated by third parties companies.  As a customer, you recognize and acknowledge that Contrarian Tea Company is not responsible for the operation of external or third party links on our website. Contrarian Tea Company only places internal links on our website for shopping, contests, tea brewing, promotions and subscription purposes. 
Personal Information & Credit Card Processing
Contrarian Tea Company is focused on maintaining security and privacy of its customers. We do not collect or share your personal information without your knowledge. When checking out your order, we ask for the following- your name, mailing address, phone number, email address, credit-card number, security code and expiration date. In order for us to successfully process and ship your order, this information is necessary so we can process your payment, ship your order to your address and be able to contact you if there are any issues. Credit card processing is conducted by a secure service by either Wix Payments or PayPal depending on your payment option of choice. Wix Payments platform is PCI Compliant and is very secure to reduce the rate of credit card fraud and to ensure every customer's payment is stored securely. PayPal payment processing encryption is highly recognized for keeping your payment transactions secure. Contrarian Tea Company is able to keep your personal information safe and secure through the use of Secure Socket Layers (SSL) encryption at checkout payment processing. All order information including your name, credit card details, address and other contact information are secure at all times. 


Promotions & Contests
All participants in Contrarian Tea Company's contests or special promotions will be asked to provide their full name, address, email and phone number. This information is needed in order for Contrarian Tea Company to contact winners and, in certain cases, ship the winners their item(s) they won from the contest or promotion. In rare cases, a third party may sponsor a contest or promotion and that third party will have access to the participants contact information. 
Member Subscription/Unsubscribing 
All members of Contrarian Tea Company's tea club are free to subscribe or unsubscribe any time they wish.  If you would like to unsubscribe from Contrarian Tea Company's marketing or communication, please email and we will remove your contact info from our mailing list. This includes any newsletter communications as well. All Contrarian Tea Club members' data is collected for promotional and order purposes. No customer information that is collected, when a customer signs up, is sold or shared with any third party entities.
Cookies & Website Analytic Tracking
The website does link with a third party analytic tracking platform to understand geographic regional location of users, user page clicks, user session data on specific pages of the website, and how long and how often users visit website pages. Contrarian Tea Company does not have access to personal information of website users/visitors unless users/visitors sign up for contests, promotions, the Contrarian Tea Club and/or if they place an order. Contrarian Tea Company cannot view IP addresses of visitors. The third party analytic tracking entity does use versions of cookies to store and remember information about website visitors/users. Again, Contrarian Tea  Company does not have access to personal information from visitors/users and is not responsible for third party actions of how they use the data that they collect about users/visitors.
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